

We are pledging a portion of our resources towards one of nature's most precious wonders, bees. Humankind's reliance on toxic chemical usage, 5G tower installations, and industrialized agriculture has pushed annual bee mortality rates to over 35%.

Over 75% of flowering plants require pollinators to produce food, the majority job of which is carried out by bees. This inescapable truth means that it is in humanity's best interest to do whatever it takes to preserves bees; our collective survival is directly linked to one another.

With a focus on regenerative farming and backyard beekeeping promotion, we will educate and empower individuals families, and communities to become better stewards of their land and nature.


Close to one billion people around the world do not have access to clean water. Each of these people's stories are similar to mine. Up until twenty years ago, each Ugandan village had a stream or river running through it, carrying clean, potable water.

Every 5am at the caw of the rooster, Mom would wake us up to fetch water before heading to school. The stream was two miles down the hill. We would follow a windy path used by multiple generations of both people and livestock before us. Each stream had a tiny reservoir (oluzzi).

Hundreds of times we trod this path down and back up the hill carrying buckets of water for ourselves and our livestock, and the rest for irrigation during seasonal droughts.

For thousands of years thus our ancestors survived, living chemical-free lives in community with one another.

As Western and East Asian multinational companies wove themselves into Africa's tapestry, they either buried valleys full of dirt or bulldozed hills and mountains, covering local water sources with dirt.

After the contamination of these "primitive water sources," governments launched nationwide water supply projects, selling the locals on the convenience these systems brought. They failed, however, to tell them how much it was to cost each household and the chemicals used in this modern water.

The result has been unending famines triggered by seasonal droughts, increased allergies, chronic illness, and rural urban migration leaving cultivable land abandoned.

Célestine's goal is to empower communities through the preservation, restoration, and drilling of freshwater wells, as well as organic seed supply for families.